
Airport and rental car

The closest airports to Castiglione della Pescaia are Pisa (approx. 140 km), Florence (approx. 190 km) and Rome Fiumicino (approx. 200 km). We recommend a rental car which makes it easy to visit tourist attractions and other villages in the region. Parking is possible for example on the parallel street (unfortunately we have no parking places or garage).

Public transport

You can reach Castiglione by bus from Grosseto where you can arrive by train for example from Rome, Florence or Pisa. Bus company RAMA has buses from Grosseto train station to Castiglione approx. every 2 hours. The bus travel takes about 30 min.

Arrival to Casa Donnini

Please inform Valentina Martini by phone 30 minutes before your arrival. Valentina's phone number: 0039 335 1716653.

Check in 3 pm, check out 11 am.


Via Vittorio Veneto 23 
58043 Castiglione della Pescaia